Thursday, 20 December 2012

Simplified Microformats for Your WordPress Website

Microformats are a set of open data and standardized formats designed for human readers and robots. says, “Microformats are design principles of formats adapted to current usage patterns and behaviors. These are highly correlated with semantic XHTML and semantic Web.” Microformats provide a clear structure to your Website making it more accessible & readable by both visitors and search engine robots. Nowadays, the major search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask & Blekko are giving more preference to Websites having Microformats. Thus each Webmaster is focusing to use this new ME for his/her Website, but they have to perform the manual HTML Markup coding to add Microformats. However if you are using a CMS like WordPress, the work to add Microformats become much easier. Phew! – Yes, WordPress offers XFN annotation of internally-stored links by default and allows you to add few plugins to add more Microformats. In this write up, we will discuss how to add the Microformats in your WordPress Website...Continue reading →